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Box Tops, Coke Codes and Tyson A+ Label


Why we collect these items:

Several companies offer schools money or points that can be used to purchase equipment and supplies for the school. The proceeds from our drives have helped the school purchase new gym/recess equipment, learning aids for the classrooms, and much more.


How does it work?

Throughout the year we collect box tops/codes in the school lobby on a daily basis.


When turning in Box Tops/Codes please ensure:

  • The student's name is on the envelope/bag

  • The classroom teacher's name in on the envelope/bag

  • Excess packaging is removed

  • They are not expired


Do You Shoparoo?

Roo Points

Snap pictures of your receipts from any store, big or small, that primarily sell food, health or beauty items to earn Roo Points (cash donations) for your school. Whether you're shopping at a supercenter, dollar store, or local convenience store - it doesn't matter where you shop or what items you buy - Shoparoo will make a cash donation for every receipt!


Want to try Shoparoo, check us out at



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